Monstera deliciosa
12cm nursery pot; 35-50cm tall
£8 or £12.50 with ceramic decorative pot
7 currently available
20cm nursery pot and moss pole; 85cm tall
£25 or £30 with basket
More available soon
Another leading houseplant classic, the Monstera deliciosa, or the Swiss cheese plant, is a brilliant addition to your home if you want something that is going to add a big statement to a space. Native to the tropical forests of southern Mexico, the Monstera deliciosa is famous for its fenestrated leaves. These fenestrations develop as the plant matures and the leaves get larger and larger, with the number of splits increasing. The Monstera deliciosa grows up other trees in the wild, using long aerial roots to help it cling on and to capture additional moisture and nutrients. You will see these aerial roots develop and grow over time. These will grow into a moss pole if allowed to. In short, this is a plant you will absolutely love!
The Monstera deliciosa loves…
Bright indirect light, but will survive in shadier spots
Its top layer of soil to dry between waterings - stick your finger into the soil - if the top few cm feel dry, give it a water; if the soil feels moist leave it for a bit longer
Humidity so give it a mist regularly
Being fed once a month during spring and summer
Toxic to pets or humans if ingested
If you can, use captured rainwater to water your plants. Some houseplants can be sensitive to the chlorine found in tap water.
12cm plants available with the following decorative pots
Sage green