Ficus elastica robusta

12cm nursery pot; 35-45cm tall

£8 or £12.50 with ceramic decorative pot

4 currently available

17cm nursery pot; 50-60cm tall

£15 or £21 with basket

2 currently available


Known commonly as the Rubber Plant, the Ficus elastica robusta is a stylish houseplant that will be a statement in any room. One of the best air purifying plants available, the robusta has large, shiny, waxy leaves that are a vibrant green, and which can grow to a length of 30cm.

The Ficus elastica robusta loves…

  • Bright indirect light, but will manage in a slightly shadier spot - direct sunlight will cause the leaves to fade

  • Its soil to be moist but not wet - water when the top few cm of soil are feeling dry

  • Normal room humidity, but won’t mind the odd misting every now and again

  • Being fed once a month during spring and summer

Toxic to pets or humans if ingested. Be careful also when cutting the plant due to the latex that can irritate your skin.


  • If you can, use captured rainwater to water your plants. Some houseplants can be sensitive to the chlorine found in tap water.

  • The Ficus elastica robusta will shed leaves in the dry season naturally - watering the plant consistently will help to prevent this in your home.

12cm plants available with the following decorative pots

Cambridge sage decorative pot

Sage green






Ficus elastica abidjan


Monstera deliciosa