Philodendron ‘Imperial Red’
12cm nursery pot; 20-30cm tall
£10 or £14.50 with ceramic decorative pot
8 currently available
A beautiful member of the Philodendron family, the ‘Imperial Red’ has large, spear-head type leaves, that have a leathery appearance to them. The plant gets its name from its young leaves that start off red, before changing to a dark, glossy green. The '‘Imperial Red’ has a bushy and compact growing habit, making it a great choice of plant for those smaller spaces. A good air purifier, this wonderful Philodendron is guaranteed to add interest to your home.
The Philodendron ‘Imperial Red’ loves…
Bright indirect light, but is happy in a more shady area - do not place this plant in direct sunlight as that will scorch the leaves
The top inch of its soil to dry between waterings
Normal house humidity, but will not mind a mist every now and again
Being fed every 6-8 weeks during spring and summer
Toxic to pets or humans if ingested
If you can, use captured rainwater to water your plants. Some houseplants can be sensitive to the chlorine found in tap water.
The ‘Imperial Red’ can be prone to transit shock, which results in small blotches appearing on the leaves. Following the care tips above and letting your plant settle in will solve this problem.
12cm plants available with the following decorative pots
Sage green