Dracena fragrans ‘Burley’
12cm nursery pot; 35-40cm tall
£10 or £14.50 with ceramic decorative pot
9 currently available
The Dracena fragrans ‘Burley’ is a stunning broadleaf houseplant that is an excellent air purifier. Originally coming from West Africa, the ‘Burley’ has long leaves that have wonderful yellow striped variegation running down the centre. This is a tough and resilient plant, making it an ideal starter plant for someone new to houseplants or those of us that are prone to fogetting to water our plant friends!
The ‘Burley’ loves…
Bright indirect light - do not place in direct sun as this will burn the leaves
The top few cms of its soil to dry between waterings - these plants are drought tolerant as they store water in their stems
Normal house humidity, but will benefit from the occassional misting
Being fed once a month during spring and summer
Toxic to pets or humans if ingested
If you can, use captured rainwater to water your plants. Some houseplants can be sensitive to the chlorine found in tap water.
The leaves of the ‘Burley’ will droop if it is desperate for a drink.
The ‘Burley’ may shed lower leaves as it grows - this is normal and nothing to worry about.
12cm plants available with the following decorative pots
Sage green